Welcome to my website. Here you can follow my game developer journey or find blogs and tutorials on game development to improve your skills or simply to read the stories of a game developer. The tutorials are a very friendly way to start game development if you don't have any experience and will hopefully provide some guidance with navigating the game development space. I'll be happy if you give me your feedback, so I can improve on my writing skills or touch specific topics, you, the readers of the blog are interested in.
I've started game development at the start of 2020, but I have been working as a developer since I've finished my education. I've chosen Unity as my game engine and it's still how I develop most of my games. I've developed a few somewhat finished games with JavaScript and I've tested Monogame and Godot for some personal projects. Since game development is a hobby and I spend most of my time with my kids and family, there are no "will be finished" dates for any of the projects.
In the "Games" section you can take a look at the games I made, some are a result of game jams, some of other challenges and some simply the result of learning new things. These small games is what I'm working on the most since the production cycle is short and is the most achievable at the moment.
If you're looking to get into game development or you're searching for game development tutorials, you can find those in the "Blogs" page under Game development tutorials. There is a fun pixel art aspect to every post, so learning has never been more fun.
There you can also find updates about the progress of my games. Each game that's currently in progress has a section where you can find posts which I add when there's enough progress for an update.